Becoming a Ninja using Windows 10 shortcuts

You might wonder how a ninja is related to windows 10, well the answer is shortcuts. Turning multiple mouse clicks into a simple press of a key or two may not seem like a lot, but if you are an avid user of keyboard shortcuts you’ve likely noticed just how helpful they can be. With Windows 10, Microsoft has added a ton of new keyboard shortcuts to give you easier access to the new Action Center, Cortana, Task View, and virtual desktops. Following are some ninja techniques that can ease your task.
Win + A => Action center : Start menu and tiles in a pane
Win + I => Brings the Settings menu
Win + S => Cortona (Live Audio)
Win + Ctrl + D => Virtual desktops
Win + Ctrl + Arrow => Navigate between Virtula desktops
Win + Ctrl + F4 => Close current virtual desktop
Win + tab => view all virtual desktops
Check some interesting ninjitsu tips and tricks :

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