
Steps to Improve your Wifi speed

Ever wondered why your network speed is slow even when the service provider claims higher. As we all know Internet providers would never say the fact about the speed at which you would consume, it’s equivalent to asking a magician to sneak his tricks.

In this SMART world which is connected by every other gadget around, the medium through which they connect becomes a necessary and a concern. Factors like Speed, up/downstream, bandwidth, packet size, net card and unit of measures, Security. In lay mans term only what important to me is speed. So what can I do to increase my network speed. You can improve the speed by doing few simple and easy  tricks.

Try these easy steps and improve your network speed.

1. Upgrade the firmware and the hardware of the router (802.11ac/802.11n).
2. Be aware of thieves : Keep changing your password and security settings.

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