
NDC Oslo 2016: Conference Insights

The Norwegian Developers Conference (NDC) is Europe`s largest conferences for .NET & Agile open space development but now it isn’t limited to these technologies. However, since then, the conference has come a long way. NDC conferences are currently running in Oslo (since 2008), London (since 2013) and Sydney (from August 2016).ndcoslo_crowd.jpg

ndcoslo_rest.jpgThis year NDC Oslo Conference was the 9th edition in the series and was scheduded from June 6-10 . A 5 day event with 2 days of pre-conference workshops and 3 days of conference sessions. 2000+ participants registered with 174 talks involoving 162 speakers on topics from various backgrounds like :

  • Agile Methodology
  • Big Data
  • Business Skills
  • C#,C++
  • Cloud
  • IoT
  • Machine Learning
  • Testing
  • Web Applications

So its not only focused on one track of the world it covers most part of the technology from human to robots and innovation to destruction, all under one place. Its a great way to socialize among peer developers and compete with them to be the best. Overall a fun event for devprenuers making them social and share their thoughts with great food and party. Come join and enjoy, hope you make it to the next conference if not, subscribe and get the insights.