Google IO 2019

Google I/O brings together developers from around the globe for talks, hands-on learning with Google experts, and a first look at Google’s latest developer products with latest mind blowing technology. But what is this IO? To more of the techies it is Input Output, but here in “I/O” stands for “Innovation in the Open”. You can find the complete keynote here. Following are some of its amazing highlights.

Android Q Announced

Android Q Dark theme

Google IO debuted Android Q beta 3 – the 10th generation of the Android operating system,and along with it new features for phone and tablet users.

Two big highlights here: Dark Theme is officially coming to Android Q and Focus Mode is a new introduction, switching off apps you select that you know pull you away from your work, such as email. It’s coming to both Android Q, and the older P version of the operating system.

Google Maps AR mode

Maps live directions

Intended to help people start off their walks heading in the right direction. Hold your phone up and you’ll see a camera view of the world in front of you. Google Maps will compare this image to its Street View data to determine your exact position/orientation better than GPS alone can, then draw arrows that point you in the right direction. The feature is rolling out on Pixel devices and soon will follow others.

Next generation Google Assistant

Google Assistant at your finger tips
A Better Google Assistant

The Voice Assistant becomes stronger, more powerful and more intelligent. It performs the tasks in bundle. Runs your routine. Just say HEY GOOGLE! Good Morning . It automatically reads weather and news as well as you can customize and command what next it can do like opening apps, listening to music and so on all this with just in one go. Google also showed off a new Driving Mode and Personal References to help Google figure out when you’re referring to your mother’s house or Mom’s House barbecue and now it comes in 6 different voices, check out the video full video here

Upgrades to Google Lens

Google Lens is an increasingly useful party trick in Google’s App arsenal, using image recognition to deliver information based on what your camera is looking at. At Google IO 2019, a demo showed how a combination of mapping data and image recognition will let Google Lens make recommendations from a restaurants menu, just by pointing your camera at it. When the bill arrives, point your camera at the receipt and it’ll show you tipping info and bill splitting help.

Google Duplex on the Web

Remember Google Duplex, the slightly-creepy Google Assistant service that could make calls and bookings on your behalf . It gets more interesting this year, lets Say you want to make an online reservation for a car rental. Duplex can now assist in that process by populating the required fields. Notably, it only assists — human sign-off is still required.  

It’s important to say that this feature could offer real benefits to those who have difficulty typing or interacting with online reservations

Google Search : The best one of IO 2019

Google remains a search giant, and that’s something it’s not forgotten at Google IO 2019. However, search is about to become far more visually rich, thanks to the inclusion of AR camera trickery coming directly into search results.

Google’s on-stage demonstration showed how a medical student could search for a muscle group, and be presented within mobile search results with a 3D representation of the body part. Not only could it be played with within the search results, it could be placed on the users desk to be seen at real scale from your smartphones screen. Even larger things, like an AR shark, could be put into your AR screen, straight from the app.

These were some of the highlights of the Google IO 2019. Let me know which feature amazed you and send me things that you would want to see them up in the next IO

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