
Code on the fly and over the Clouds

This post is for all my technical folks in particularly who love coding and like to play. Yes playing it with code without installing anything on your local drive. I mention these sites as “Web IDEs” (Web integrated development environment) .These sites allow you to share and show off your code. They all have live previews so other people can see your code in action. They’re sometimes referred to as “code playgrounds” or “sandboxes” as well.

When you compare them with offline IDEs, they have there own pros and cons.Web IDEs give your code to be accessed from anywhere without any setup or configurations again there isn’t any hardware limitation since all information is be stored in the cloud.But the limitations follow up as you can not expect a very large project to be handled as it would slow down the processing. Reliable network is also a must for them.

Web IDEs are places to demo your source code in, many of them are also great tools for code collaboration and actual coding with a team of small to medium size. For example, if you need help debugging your source code, use one of these sites to share your problematic code, and then provide the link to your viewers. Doing this gives them a convenient way of being able to review your source code and offer solutions. Following are some of them which can be used.

1. CodePen

On CodePen, you can demo your code in what are called Pens. A Pen can consist of HTML, CSS, and JS. CodePen has many features that make it easy to show off your code. For example, it supports Sass and Less syntax, and the option to “Quick-add” popular JS libraries like jQuery and Angular. Check out the site’s popular Pens for inspiration.

2. Codenvy

Codenvy makes on-demand developer workspaces that are replicable, collaborative and constraint-free. Workspace automation lets anyone, anywhere contribute to a software development project without installing software. This improves team productivity with a continuous approach that let’s Codenvy supercharge the agile philosophy.

3. JS Fiddle

JS Fiddle has a ton of features for your JavaScript code demos. It has multiple versions of dev libraries such as jQuery, MooTools, and React. It has an implementation of the code analysis tool JSHint built into its interface. JS Fiddle even allows you to simulate Ajax requests using its Echo API.

4. Plunker

Plunker is an online community for creating, collaborating on and sharing your web development ideas. Its code editor is rich in features. The code editor has: live streaming so people can watch you code in real-time, code-forking, user-contributed development stacks/templates, a built-in code-linting interface, and more. See the most viewed demos on Plunker.

5. CSSDeck

CSSDeck has a clean user interface. If you’re looking for a simple tool to show off your source code, this is a good candidate. People who look at your code demo can leave comments on it, but to do so, they must register an account or sign-in with their GitHub account.

6. Ideone

This simple code-sharing tool allows you to demo your server-side code (PHP, Perl, and so forth). It handles software programming languages like C++ too. When you run your code, Ideone will show you (and your code reviewers) the output of your code. It will also display the compilation errors it finds.

7. codepad

codepad is another option for demoing your server-side code. It supports programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, C, C++, Python, and more.

8. JS Bin

JS Bin is a feature-packed tool for your source code demos. It even has a console (command-line interface) for debugging and inspecting code. The console works much like the one in Chrome Developer Tools. Oh, and also JS Bin has codecasting.

9. ShiftEdit

ShiftEdit is a web IDE (and chrome app) that provide an online IDE for PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, has advantages like highlights syntax errors and automatically fix some errors, Access files from FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Dropbox, Google Drive or Amazon S3. Code completion for HTML tags, CSS and PHP code assist. Allows connecting directly to a server and run commands on that server.

10. SQL Fiddle

SQL Fiddle is for demoing your SQL statements. It can execute MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, and SQLite statements.


Let me here your comments and IDEs that can be added up. If you are already using one, you are most welcome to share few pros and cons as well. Hope you enjoy playing around with code on the cloud.

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