
10+ Ways to Make money on Ebay

Online shopping websites are a great way to shop for products, but have u thought of where these goods come from? They don’t of course not at all manufacture it. There exists a network of suppliers and vendors who actually provide these goods. The best part is even you can be a great supplier just u need to know simple tricks. Websites like eBay, Quikr do provide this service. We will just focus on eBay here.

Are u planning to earn more money?
Are u fed up with clutter in your house?
Would you like to experience and learn bargaining and marketing?
And do u wish to become a self shop holder and seller?

Sounds like a weight lose or fairness commercial, heehee.

So if the answer to these questions are yes. Then you are at the correct place and if not still you are at the right place to know the strategies of sellers .

Now that you want to declutter your home at the same time earn some cash.
Remember One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. so let’s do business and make money  and sell them off.

Following are some points that you must be aware of before putting up a product over eBay in particular.I have not arranged it in some order but do follow them.

  • Marketing Matters
    The way you market your product ofcourse matters. Pick the products that are recent and new , these sell better and yes dont forget to mention brand( Apple/Sony ). Things sell with higher rates when a word like BRAND adds to it. So even a local product with a brand tag can go off well.
  • Rarity adds up
    Rare and unique things also sell well so things which are difficult to get are additional point.
  • Keywords for searching
    Tags/Keywords another are important aspect. you have to think in terms of buyer. Ask your self before adding a title will someone search these keywords?
    like people are more likely to search Iron man Tshirts instead of plain shirt.
  • Combo packs
    Selling in Combo’s giving something additional like A belt with your denims or shades with hat or the full combo.
  • Free listing
    Now everything does not come for free so does with ebay it charge you a small amount on your transaction that is been carried. Fees like insertion fee to list items and final value fee when the item sells. Be smart on these as Ebay does have free listing days regularly.
  • Timing your product.
    Time plays an important factor while posting. An umbrella wont go off on a good deal during summers.
  • Automating Auctions
    Automate your auctions with an auction management service like vendio. They provide auction templates where you type in your headlines and text, insert your images, set your price, terms, length of auction, and schedule your auctions to launch at any day or time you specify. It also tracks your inventory and sales, send automated emails to customers, provide a PayPal or credit card gateway, and automatically post feedback once payment is received.
  • Getting warranties
    If you sell electronics or cameras, you can make extra money by offering a warranty on your products through SquareTrade at
  • Branding
    If you go on the eBay search engine and type in eBay store design, you will find a number of eBay sellers who will design an eBay store for your with branding and matching auction templates. This will give all of your listings a similar look and feel and help brand your business so people can find you again.
  • Experiment
    Don’t be afraid to try something new. Just be careful that you don’t throw a lot of money into something that isn’t yet proven. Try new products, new categories, new sources, new titles, and so on. eBay is nowhere near being a mature marketplace. It is still growing and evolving

Hope these tips will help you sell stuff on ebay. There are plenty of resources out there just take advantages of them to the full potential and master it. Leave comment incase you find any strategy which needs to be added , additionally share and dont forget to subscribe.

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